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Cape York Expedition Prologue

Departing for Wujal Wujal on Wednesday August 29th expecting to arrive Sunday September the 2nd.

Final preparation and discussions with the Indigenous elders will be conducted over the next 48 hrs on areas which are off limits such as sacred sights and levels of respect that need to be adhered to coinciding along their traditional beliefs.

The initial launch site will be Weary Bay at the mouth of the Bloomfield River on September 5th sailing to Archer Point that day.

Our average distance needed to travel per day when sailing is 22 nautical miles.

2nd Leg

Archer Point to Cooktown for a 2 night stay meeting with the local RSL and generating some media attention for Defense Shed.

3rd Leg

Elim beach camp ground which by this stage we should be settling into a daily routine.

4th Leg

Cape Flattery

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